United National Party

The United National Party often abbreviated as UNP, is a political party in Sri Lanka, currently headed by the President Hon. Ranil Wickremesinghe. The UNP is considered as a center-right party, opting for a Neo-liberal market-oriented economy. The UNP is a member of the International Democrat Union.
The strength of the United National Party rejuvenated the national political movement and sought to build a stronger, safer, and better Sri Lanka. Today, the party has certainly flourished and lived up to its strong grassroots, while upholding the core principles of the movement.

The United National Party constantly strived to stand up for sovereignty, strong national defense, national unity, free enterprise, and individual achievement, empowering all citizens, regardless of background, to achieve their dreams in a safe, healthy, and prosperous country.

Building a Stronger Economy

Vision for Sri Lanka

Economic Prosperity and Job Creation

Economic Prosperity and Job Creation

Fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and skills development to drive economic productivity.

Social Equity and Welfare Enhancement

Social Equity and Welfare Enhancement

Implementing social welfare programs to support vulnerable populations, reduce poverty, and address income inequality.

Good Governance and Democratic Reforms

Good Governance and Democratic Reforms

Strengthening democratic institutions, rule of law, and transparency to ensure accountable and responsive governance.

Briefing Room

  • Latest News & Press Releases